Saturday, April 6, 2013

Oh what a week!

This week has been such a roller coaster!! Wednesday had to be the worst. As I mentioned in my previous post, Wednesday would have been Kevin's Birthday.
We went to the cemetery that evening to let off balloons in memory of him. I still cant believe its been almost two years. When we were pulling in, Lilly said, "Uncle Kebbi's in Heaven eating his cake and he needs us to send him some balloons for his party." Im going to believe that's true:)
As if Wednesday wasn't a hard enough day, at 10:30 I received a text from my district manager saying that my studio was closed that the company had shut down. I learned through a text that I no longer had a job. It really didn't seem real. I was a photographer at Sears Portrait Studio. I knew that things weren't great and it was a possibility but I honestly thought we would make it through. Or we would get bought out. Or that we would have more notice!! I went in to work Thursday morning to got my personal belongings and I decided I couldn't just leave without making sure everyone was called. I called everyone who had portraits in the studio waiting for them and told them to get into the studio as fast as possible to pick up their portraits. One of my fellow CPI employees stated it perfectly. She said when she shut the light out for the last time in her studio it was like lowering a casket. She was soo right. Ive gotten to know some amazing people and made some great friends over the last 4 1/2 years and I just cant believe its all over. I have a few people that I have no idea how to get in contact with that I would love to reach out to. I think that's the hardest part is I didn't even get to say goodbye to some amazing people.
Yesterday was much easier. Especially because I realized for the first time in I don't know how long I was going to have a WHOLE weekend off with nothing to do!! Oh my was it fabulous:) Last night I went to Pain and Sip....If you don't know what it is..LOOK IT UP and than find one in your area!! It is sooooo fun!!
 Don't mind how ridiculous I look!!!
Mine is the middle one on the very bottom:) Ive already painted this one but I had so much fun I went back to paint it again. This one is for my momma:)
Well this momma is TIRED!!
With Love,