Monday, February 25, 2013

Its Monday! Woo Hoo!

No seriously.. I LOVE Mondays! Im probably the only person in the whole world...but I get off work at 3 on Mondays and than Im off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Soo Mondays are like my Fridays!

We took the kids to Monster Jam this past Friday and we had a blast. Hunter and Lilly have a pretty big selection of monster trucks. I don't think we can go into WalMart or KMart without buying a monster truck. Anyways, Matt won tickets to go and Hunter has been talking about it ever since. Its so cute.. "Daddy's going to take me to see the monster trucks, Right Dad!" His expression made my night. He loved it! He clapped and cheered right along with everyone else. Priceless:)

 This was on the way there...Notice Lilly photo bombing in the background!


 Blurry but I loved how excited he looks!

I just loved how the ear muffs squeezed his little cheeks together:)

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

With Love, Rachael

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