Friday, March 1, 2013

What a Week

Boy my little bud has been having a rough time with me leaving for work in the mornings. He'll be 3 in April and until the last few weeks we have NEVER had a problem with separation anxiety. I could have left him on the side of the road with a complete stranger (Not that I ever would of course!) and he would have been fine. Every time I leave the house or drop him off with my MIL or SIL he breaks down now. Im talking one more kiss mommy and than screams and cries for just one more for about 15 min until finally I have to just leave. It seriously breaks my heart. This morning I was ready to quit my job and stay home with him! He's my baby! And probably my last:( So if little guy says I should be a stay at home mom than I agree:) Okay Okay...Obviously that cant happen. For the money and my sanity:)

Tuesday night I had a little get together at my house. Just a few friends. Than on Wednesday I went to bingo with my MIL and won $100 (woo hoo!) Last night, Matt and I decided to do some early spring cleaning so we brought a ton of clothes to the laundry mat and separate which ones to get rid of and to keep. We put the clothes in the washer and matt says, "We should go get your nose pierced." So we did. Total spur of the moment. Totally not me!!! Im kind of freaking out about how to tell my mom! Even though Im 26 with 3 tattoos. Shes going to be devastated. I figure it will come out easy and wont leave a big mark so if I don't like it or want to get rid of it...why not? And of course as Im typing this my mom decides to get on IG for the first time in forever and says...My eyes are bad please tell me that's a tick on your face! eeeek Im in trouble!

Better go call my mommy:(

With Love, Rachael

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