Tuesday, March 26, 2013

More Snow?!

 Seriously, Punxsutawney Phil, You're Fired!! Where is Spring!?!?

But we had a great day yesterday and an even better evening taking advantage of (hopefully) the last snowfall of the year!

My sister, Morgan, and all the hooligans met me for lunch:) I love lunch dates. And while on lunch I got a great phone call! Cant go into detail just yet but might have some great news!! Got home and had a flat tire!!! So Matt took the car and got a new tire put on. When he got home he told me to bundle the kids up. So we bundled them up and went sledding. It was only a little hill but the LOOOVED it! We made a snowman but Hunter pushed him over when Matt went to get the stuff for his face. (He's Rotten!) I took tons of pictures (of course) and Matt fired up the grill and made steaks for dinner. Yumm! Hunter ended up busting his lip so I brought him inside to clean it up and he told me to put a band aid on it so he could go back outside! We finished the evening with warm baths and tv.

Sorry I haven't posted that often...I feel like I have nothing to post because I have such a boring life!!

But the best part...

Hope Everyone is staying warm!!
With Love,

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