Thursday, March 7, 2013

Hate this feeling

Oh I have been having one of those nights. I hate having nights like this. I feel like a horrible momma:( The kids are wound tonight and Im stressed. Bad combination. Matts at his moms tonight getting his project for the toy show finished and helping his mom with some things around the house. I feel like I have done nothing but yell tonight and I hate that. Especially on Thursdays. Friday I work from about 9:30-8:30ish so I don't get to see the kids much. It bums me out that tonight has been so chaotic. But on a brighter note..Im off Saturday!! Woo Hoo!! My best friends little boy is turning 3 (seriously these kids need to quit growing!) and I FINALLY get to make it to a birthday party!! That's the worst part of my job. I miss everything. Well Im done ranting. Gotta try and put these wild kids to bed!

With Love, Rachael

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